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GCPS Virtual Learning Plan 2024-25

The Garrett County Public Schools (GCPS) Virtual Learning Plan for Inclement Weather for the 2024-2025 school year was presented during the October Board Meeting. The plan was sent out for public feedback, which received mixed responses. Due to updates in state legislation, there are changes from prior years:

  • Virtual days may only be implemented in place of inclement weather days.
  • Virtual learning days may only be implemented after make-up inclement weather days have been utilized.
  • All virtual days must be synchronous learning (asynchronous days are no longer an option).
  • Approval is now up to each Local Education Agency. State-level approval is no longer required.

Proposed GCPS Virtual Learning Plan 2024-25 Board Presentation

GCPS Virtual Day Instruction Plan 2024-25 (approved by the GCBOE on 10/03/24)

Winter Operation Information (Guidelines, Calls, etc.)

**Please note that again this year, students may have their digital devices sent home in preparation for virtual learning day(s). However, the call for virtual instruction may or may not be made. If a move to virtual instruction is implemented, the announcement will be sent out following standard GCPS protocol for a change in operating status, with as much notice as possible. If no call is made, students will return to school with their digital devices the next school day.**