- Accident Elementary
- Supply Lists
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Accident Elementary Pre-K Supply List***Please label the following items with your child’s first and last name.***BackpackLunch bag/box (for students who will pack a lunch each day)Rest mat or blanket/pillow1 soft-sided pencil pouch12 or 18 count washable watercolor paints2 boxes of crayons1 spiral bound 8.5x11 inch sketchbookOne set of extra clothes in a gallon Ziploc bag (for accidents and spills)ShirtShorts/pantsUnderwearSocks(plan on replacing these when your child has used them and rotating them out with the changing seasons)Kindergarten Supply list 2021-2022* Extra clothes in a Ziploc bag (shirt, shorts/sweatpants, socks, underwear)* 1 pair of headphones (ear muff style)* 1 Backpack* 1 plastic pencil box* 8 glue sticks* 1 bottle of liquid glue* 1 pair of scissors* 2 packs of 24 crayons* 1 spiral notebook* 1 coloring book* 1 pack of dry erase markers* 1 set of watercolor paints* Girls – 1 box of quart-size Ziplock baggiesBoys – 1 box of gallon-sized Ziplock baggiesFirst Grade: SUPPLY LIST* Items may be used as long as they are in good shape.*__ 1 hard plastic pencil box__ 1 fabric pencil pouch with zipper(the 10”x7” ones for around $1.00 at Walmart are perfect for our needs)__ 1 pair of scissors?__ 1 plastic folder with prongs and pockets__ headphones (new students and students in Mrs. Faith’s Kindergarten class only)__ 1 sturdy one-inch binder (used for daily communication, so please get something durable)BOYS: 1 box of tissuesGIRLS: 1 box of gallon sized Ziploc bagsITEMS LISTED BELOW INCLUDE THE SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR. YOU MAY PURCHASE NOW (SOMETIMES ITEMS ARE LESS EXPENSIVE AT BACK TO SCHOOL TIME) AND SEND ITEMS IN TO BE STORED AT SCHOOL, OR PURCHASE A SMALLER AMOUNT NOW AND SEND IN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR AS NEEDED.__ 3 boxes of 24 crayons OR 2 packages of twistable crayons (Crayola has the truest colors)__ 6 low odor dry erase markers (blue or black please)__ 12 pencils (pre-sharpened preferred) AND a handheld pencil sharpener, OR 6 lead pencils. Paper Mate 1.3mm lead pencils are perfect for first graders and last a very long time.__ 2 large pink erasers?__ 6 glue sticks??OPTIONAL, but very much appreciated: playdough, quart ziploc bagsPlease mark all supplies with your child’s name and put the following in your child’s pencil box: 1 box of crayons, 1 dry erase marker, 2 pencils, 1 glue stick, 1 pair of scissors?* Please put all extra materials (that will fit) in a gallon Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name. The extra supplies will be distributed to your child as needed throughout the school year. Thank you!Please search on Facebook for our closed classroom Facebook group: Accident Elementary First Grade Classes 2021-2022 and request to join. You will be asked to supply the name of your child and relationship with them so we can limit the group to parents / grandparents / close family members of students in our classroom. This is a valuable communication tool and will give you a chance to get to see our first grade adventures.If you have questions, please feel free to message us through our classroom Facebook group or send a text message to your child’s teacher:Mrs. Wolodkin - 301.697.3481 Mrs. Shawley - 301.501.21402nd grade School Supply List: 2021-2022_ sharpened pencils with erasers_ glue sticks_ twistable crayons_ rectangular plastic pencil box that remains closed_ scissors_ multi-colored highlighters_ dry erase markers_set of headphones/earbudsSecond grade utilizes the Scholastic News classroom newspaper. At a cost of $6 per child, this newspaper will be available in both print and digital formats. More information will be coming for the submission of the $6 cash.When we return to in-person learning, we will be implementing safety precautions. Students will not be sharing supplies in the classroom, so additional materials may be requested at that time.Thank you,Welcome to 3rd Grade!The following is a list of supplies and materials that you will need for third grade.Earbuds/Headphones to keep at schoolTwo (2) packages of #2 wooden pencilsDry Erase Markers- 8 packTwo (2) Plastic FoldersOne package of crayons or colored pencils (preferred)4-6 glue sticksScissorsHighlighters (blue, pink, yellow)White Index CardsPencil Pouch (no key lock boxes)Three (3) one-subject Spiral Notebooks2 Boxes of Tissues1-2 Packs of post-it notes1 white “clear view” 3-ring binder (1 inch)*If you are interested in contributing anything to our classrooms, we are typically in need of: quart, gallon ziploc baggies, play-dough, candy, board games, puzzles, old magazines, paper towels, and assorted snacks.*We are looking forward to seeing you in August on Back-to-School Night!Mrs. Sanders & Mrs. Ash Grade Accident Elementary School2021- 2022 Supply List4th GradeThree Ring BinderLined PaperPocket Folders (5)Spiral Notebooks (4)Composition Notebook100 3x5 White Index CardsPencil Pouch with Pencils, 2 Red Pens, Scissors, 2 Glue Sticks, and Highlighters (Pink, Green, Purple, Green, and Blue)Class Donations AppreciatedTissuesExpo MarkersCrayonsColored PencilsMarkersPencilsPlaydoughCandyChalkCongratulations…You will be a 5th grader in the fall of this year! Here is a list of the supplies that you will need to have when school begins. Please only purchase the items on this list as our desks have https://ckfairfax.clearcareonline.com/family-room/login/?next=/family-room/dashboard/4960721/limited space – any other items purchased will be sent home.* Crayola crayons – no more than 24* 1 pkg. set of 4 dry erase markers* a pencil BAG, NOT a box* 1 dozen yellow pencils* 1 pack mechanical pencils (optional)* highlighter* scissors* 3 glue sticks*1 pack checking pens - any color other than black* crayola markers – set of 8 (optional)* 1 plastic folder with inside pockets and holes that will fit inside the binder* 4 folders with inside pockets* one - 3 ring binder (2 inch size ONLY) with a clear, plastic cover that will hold a sheet of paper as an insert. NO TRAPPER KEEPER BINDERS!* 1 package wide-ruled paper* 3 composition notebooks*2 packages 3X5 white index cards*headphones (please put your child’s name on them)* 1 box of Kleenex (optional)* a BIG smile!Please keep all supplies in original boxes. It will be important for students to have additional supplies at home and supplies will need to be replenished throughout the school year.We are looking forward to our year together – have a safe and happy summer and we will see you very soon!Sincerely,Amy Anderson and Faith Thackston