Physical Exam:
Lead Testing:
Chronic Illness Forms:
A physical examination by a physician or certified nurse practitioner must be completed within nine months prior to entering the public school system or within six months after entering the system. A Physical Examination form designated by the Maryland State Department of Education may be used.
Evidence of blood testing is required for all students who reside in a designated at-risk area when first entering Pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten, and 1st grade. The blood-lead testing certificate (DHMH 4620) or another written document signed by a Health Care Practitioner shall be used to meet this requirement (All of Garrett County is designated as an at-risk area).
All students must meet the immunization requirements. Contact your nurse if your child has a bonafide religious objection or a permanent or temporary medical contraindication documented by your primary care provider, or have a signed exemption form to be enrolled in Garrett County Public Schools. Your child’s school nurse will be able to answer any questions you might have.
PRE-KINDERGARTEN (3-year-old and 4-year old):
4 DTaP
3 Polio
3 Hepatitis B
1 Hib
1 Prevnar
1 dose of Varicella or History of Chickenpox
Must have a second dose of MMR and Varicella by age 5 to remain in school)
4 DTaP
3 Polio
3 Hepatitis B
2 Varicella or documented history of chickenpox
3 DTaP
1 Tdap *
3 Polio
3 Hepatitis B
1-2 Varicella-or documented history of chickenpox
1 Meningococcal *
* Please note that these two immunizations must be obtained before entering 7th grade
In general, the administration of medication to students, while they are in school, is discouraged. If a student must have medication while in school, treatment schedules that allow doses to be given at times other than during the school hours are preferred and encouraged.
The medication must be provided to the school by the parent/guardian in the original container. The Medication Administration Form must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian and the prescribing health care provider. This includes any prescription medications and over-the-counter medication. Inhalers for asthma, insulin for diabetes, and auto-injectors with epinephrine for severe allergic reactions are all considered Emergency Medications. These medications can be carried and self-administered by the student when appropriate and with authorization from the prescriber, parents, and school nurse.
Vision and hearing screenings are routinely provided to all students in grades Pre-K, K, 1st, and 8th. Screening is also offered to new students and by those referred to by a teacher or a parent/guardian. If your child should show abnormal results, a letter of notification will be sent home with referral recommendations.
Health Emergencies:
In the case of an emergency at school, the parents or guardian will be notified. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the emergency contact will be notified. Be sure to provide accurate and updated contact information. Changes/updates can be made by emailing or calling the school. If an emergency situation should arise, and emergency medical services are needed, 911 will be called. All measures will be taken to support the health and safety of the students.
Please notify the school nurse immediately of any medical conditions, such as diabetes, asthma, seizures, or life-threatening allergies to such things as peanuts, other foods, insect bites, or medications, which may cause an emergency with your child. Please provide the EpiPen and/or inhaler if ordered. The school nurse will work with you to develop a Health Care Plan to meet your child’s health needs.
When your child is sick:
School attendance is essential. However, there are times when your child may need to stay at home. The following are guidelines that will help make this decision should it become necessary.
Sore throat; unable to swallow, with red or white spots.
Fever of 100.4 degrees or higher
Headache with other symptoms (sore throat, body ache, fever, etc.).
Rash, unexplained
Flushed face, especially cheeks
Runny nose with thick white or greenish mucous
Severe cough, persistent enough to be disruptive or that causes vomiting
Vomiting: 2 episodes in 24hrs, with or without fever.
Reddened eye/s with colored discharge or crust.
Asthmatics: Have a respiratory infection, fever over 100 degrees, wheezing, or coughing that does not get better one hour after taking medication, weakness, or fatigue that makes daily activities difficult, or breathing difficulty.
Please Note: A sick child should have reduced fever and decreased symptoms for 24 hours without medication before returning to school.
Please feel free to consult the nurse by phone or email if you are unsure about keeping your child home.
During the cold and flu season (October-March). If you or someone you know needs a flu shot, check with your doctor’s office to see what their clinic hours will be. Most pharmacies also administer this vaccine.
Symptoms of influenza include:
Fever, usually high
Extreme fatigue
Dry cough
Sore throat (sometimes)
Runny or stuffy nose (sometimes)
Muscle aches
Chest discomfort
GI symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can occur, but more often in kids than adults.
If you or your child experiences flu symptoms, contact your family doctor immediately. There are medications that may shorten the course and severity of the illness.
Please notify the nurse by email or phone if your child is diagnosed with any contagious illness. (Flu A or B, RSV, Covid-19, Strep Throat, etc).
Remember: The best protection from any illness is frequent hand washing, and avoiding touching your face. If you or your child are ill, stay home until you are better. Please remember to sneeze and cough into your sleeve, refrain from touching the "T" zone (includes your eyes, nose and mouth), and wash your hands.