• GCPS will conduct a Virtual Learning Day on February 12, 2025. Schools will be closed for in-person learning.
    If you need technical assistance from the IT department, please contact the helpdesk at 1.888.285.7254 or helpdesk@gcps.net.

School Messenger

  • Please take a few moments to sign up for school messenger.  This is a tool that will allow you to receive school-related information.  This information could include early dismissal due to inclement weather by phone, email, and/or text.

    Here is how to sign up:
    1. Go to https://ps.garrettcountyschools.org/public/home.html and log into the PowerSchool parent portal.  Use your single sign-on username and password.
    2. Click on the arrow icon at the top of the page.
    3. Choose contact manager.
    4. Select the contact tab.
    5. Select the edit button to the right of your child's name.
    6. Once on the edit screen, please select if you would like to receive phone, email, and/or SMS (text) communications.

    Please take note of the following prior to exiting the application:

    • Verify that your email address and phone number are correct.
    • Verify that you are receiving the proper communications desired.