• GCPS will operate normally on Monday, January 13, 2025, and will not use a virtual learning day.

School Nurse

  • Peggy Redfield RN, MSN
    Fax 301.746.5065
    Nurse Notes:
    Welcome Back!
    Who would have ever thought that this is the way the school year would start...again?! I hope your summer gave you some time to reset for the fall. I wanted to touch base on a few things that are different this year due to COVID. Because of the various symptoms associated with Covid, it is going to make navigating the school year a little more challenging. Please keep your child home if they have symptoms (headache, fever, chills, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, achiness, diarrhea) or if they have a fever of 100.4 or new onset of a cough or shortness of breath. Please call me at school if your child is not coming to school due to having symptoms. I am able to test kids for COVID with both a rapid test and the sendout PCR. If your child is home and needs to be tested, please call the school to schedule a time. In order for your child to return to school after having symptoms, he/she will need a doctor’s note or a negative COVID test. Thank you in advance, I know this is making things more complicated, but our goal is to reduce the risk of contracting and spreading this virus.
    I would strongly suggest that you consider getting flu shots for everyone in your household this year, helping to reduce the chances of getting at least one of the many illnesses that float around in the winter.