• GCPS will operate normally on Monday, January 13, 2025, and will not use a virtual learning day.

Child Find Announcement

  • State and Federal laws require that the Garrett County Public Schools provide free and appropriate educational programs for all children with disabilities living in Garrett County.

    Services, which can be provided by the Board of Education, include evaluation and direct services in speech and language therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, developmental skills for preschools, and academic help for children of school age. These services are provided through the Special Education programs for all students who qualify.

    If you know of any individuals with a disability aged from birth through twenty-one years of age who are not receiving educational programs, please contact:

    Dr. Chelsie Manges
    Director of Special Education
    Garrett County Public Schools
    40 South Second Street
    Oakland, MD 21550


    Ms. Deneice Crites
    Birth to Five Coordinator
    Garrett County Public Schools
    40 South Second Street
    Oakland, MD 21550