• GCPS will conduct a Virtual Learning Day on February 12, 2025. Schools will be closed for in-person learning.
    If you need technical assistance from the IT department, please contact the helpdesk at 1.888.285.7254 or helpdesk@gcps.net.

Student/Parent Info

  • Student and Parent Resources

    Free Online Drivers Education Practice Tests
    A new, free online service is available to help students prepare for the driver knowledge test and become safe drivers.The database is completely free and requires no registration. The aim is to make the road a safer place. Students will not be asked to provide their email address, create an account, or share any other personal information. There are multiple practice tests on the website for Maryland.

    Resources for Maryland Assessments and Testing


    HSA Practice Information

    The new practice tests for HSA Government and HS MISA are now available for students, teachers, and parents. Please share. See the information below.
    HSA Practice Tests. The online practice test site is now open. You no longer need a username and password to log into practice tests. You can access the practice test site from the Test Materials section of the Help and Support site: https://maryland.onlinehelp.cognia.org/practice-test-materials/. On the practice test site, click the menu to select a test. Then choose between the following tests:
    o HS Government Practice Test (no accommodations)
    o HS Government TTS Practice Test (text-to-speech accommodation)
    o HS Government ASL Practice Test (American Sign Language accommodation)
    o HS MISA Practice Test (no accommodations)
    o HS MISA TTS Practice Test (text-to-speech accommodation)
    o HS MISA ASL Practice Test (American Sign Language accommodation

    Parent Email Groups

    In an effort to improve communication between the school and families, the high school has created parent email groups. We now have the ability to send out notifications to families based on a whole school format or by grade level. We are striving to send out SGHS news once a week to parent/guardian email addresses. Please direct any questions or email address updates to the main office.

    Electronic Cigarette Policy and Law Update Information

    The procedure regarding the use of electronic cigarettes is outlined in the Garrett County Public Schools Student Handbook: Rights, Responsibilities, and Discipline. Please note, under “Tobacco” (page 41), which includes E-Cigarettes, possession and/or use of any device, electronic or otherwise, used to deliver any substance not medically prescribed in accordance with Policy and Procedure 472.12 and 472.13 is a level 2 offense. A report will be made to a law enforcement officer to request a citation, and to Juvenile Services, along with a referral to the MSAP (Maryland Student Assistance Program) team. Counseling or a cessation program may be used and/or an in-school intervention program for up to ten days.
    Recently, the 2018 Maryland General Assembly passed HB1094. This Bill makes changes to current tobacco and Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS) related statutes. Beginning October 1, 2018, a person under the age of 18 may be charged civilly for possessing an ENDS product. Vapes, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), or vaporizers are terms used to describe an electronic system used to smoke a noncombustible flavored solution often containing nicotine. HB1094 imposes penalties for minors using, possessing, obtaining, or attempting to obtain an ENDS product. If minors are found in possession or using an ENDS product, law enforcement may issue a civil citation to the minor and then forward it to the Department of Juvenile Services for further civil action. There is no set fine for the civil violation and any assessed penalties will be at the discretion of the Department of Juvenile Services. In addition to the civil citation, law enforcement will seize the ENDS from the minor and contact the minor's parent / guardian regarding the final disposition of the ENDS.

    Selective Service Reminder

    Male student registration must be completed by the 18th birthday. This may be done on the Selective Service web site at www.sss.gov or by completing an HS7 card form from the guidance department or US Post Office.

    Child Find Announcement 

    State and Federal laws require that the Garrett County Board of Education provide free and appropriate educational programs for all children with disabilities living in Garrett County. Services which can be provided by the Board of Education include evaluation and direct services in speech and language therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, developmental skills for preschools and academic help for children of school age. These services are provided through the Special Education programs to all students who qualify. If you know of any individuals with a disability ages birth through twenty-one years of age who are not receiving educational programs, please contact:

    Dr. Chelsie Manges
    Director of Special Education
    Garrett County Board of Education
    40 South Second Street
    Oakland, MD 21550

    Homework Procedure Established

    A new homework procedure has been established at Southern Garrett High School. Students who are absent for three days or more will be able to request the Guidance Office to collect assignments. However, parents and students will have to wait 24 hours from the time of request to allow teachers ample time to assemble the work. In addition, students absent for one or two days will not be able to request assignments through the Guidance Office.

    Students still have two days for each day absent to make up work assigned during their absence. Assignments that were due the day on which a student is absent are due on the next day the student attends school.