GCPS will conduct a Virtual Learning Day on February 12, 2025. Schools will be closed for in-person learning. If you need technical assistance from the IT department, please contact the helpdesk at 1.888.285.7254 or helpdesk@gcps.net.
Welcome to Southern High School’s Nurse’s page! My name is Destiny Tichinel, R.N. and I am the school nurse here at Southern High School. On this page you will find information about good health practices, prevention of spreading communicable diseases, school health updates that may pertain to health, as well as links to medical forms. I also oversee the wellness Program at the high school. Our wellness program consists of myself, one of our guidance counselors, and several teachers. If you have ideas of activities you would like to see promoting wellness in our schools, please feel free to reach out to me. We would love your ideas!