• GCPS will conduct a Virtual Learning Day on February 12, 2025. Schools will be closed for in-person learning.
    If you need technical assistance from the IT department, please contact the helpdesk at 1.888.285.7254 or helpdesk@gcps.net.

School Menus

Food & Nutrition Services

  • Meal prices

    Prices are effective as of September 5, 2023:
    • Free status - no charge
    • Reduced status - no charge
    • Full Paid status -
      • Elementary Breakfast - $1.20 paid by state of Maryland funding (no charge to the student)
      • Elementary Lunch - $2.70
      • Secondary Breakfast - $1.35 paid by state of Maryland funding (no charge to the student)  
      • Secondary Lunch - $2.85
    To place money in a student's account or to fill out a Meal Benefit Application:
    Link to LINQ Connect Portal

    All cafeterias in Garrett County Public Schools have computerized Point of Sale. Students enter their Personal Identification numbers (PIN) to pay for purchases and proceed to the cashier. Students pay for purchases using cash or money placed "On Account." If a student cannot remember their PIN, the cafeteria staff will be able to give it to them. Please help your child learn this number and teach them that they should keep it private, as it is access to their account.

    Students who correctly enter their number when purchasing their meal move more quickly through the service line.

    Parents can send cash or checks with their student(s) for deposit. However, we strongly encourage parents to monitor, view, and fund students' accounts by logging on to the LINQ Connect Portal. We encourage parents to monitor their child’s cafeteria activity and account balances throughout the year. Using this tool to do so makes it easier than ever.

    Depositing funds on account will allow students to purchase breakfast, lunch, or any a la carte item.

    Benefits of placing money "On Account:"

    • Safe - the PIN ensures only one student can access the account
    • Convenient - money cannot be lost or forgotten in the morning rush
    • Fast - cafeteria lines move more quickly, so there's plenty of time to eat
    • Monitored - see the secure account balance anytime on the LINQ ConnectPortal
    • Peace of Mind - the auto replenish feature on the LINQ Connect website ensures money for meals is always there for the student

    Garrett County Public Schools Food & Nutrition Services is now selling surplus equipment through GovDeals, an online auction site. If you wish to register (free) and bid on the items, follow the GovDeals link below.
    Gov Deals Logo
    Nondiscrimination Statements (click the link below)


     This institution is an equal opportunity provider.