• GCPS will conduct a Virtual Learning Day on February 12, 2025. Schools will be closed for in-person learning.
    If you need technical assistance from the IT department, please contact the helpdesk at 1.888.285.7254 or helpdesk@gcps.net.

Office of Public Relations


    Garrett County Public Schools is committed to providing access to public records in accordance with the Maryland Public Information Act (“MPIA”), Annotated Code of Maryland, Title IV of the General Provisions Article.

    How to Submit an Application

    Any person may request to inspect or obtain copies of public records of the school system unless the requested records fall into one of the exceptions provided in the MPIA. An application for public records must be: (1) submitted in writing, (2) include the applicant’s full name, mailing address, and telephone number, (3) be signed by the applicant; and (4) reasonably identify, by a brief description, and the public record sought.
    • Send written requests by mail to Garrett County’s MPIA Representative:
      Public Information Office
      Garrett County Public Schools
      770 Dennett Road
      Oakland, MD 21550
    • Business E-mail and Facsimile Information:
      Applications may also be e-mailed or faxed to 301-334-7621
      Business Phone Number: 301-334-8931
    If the applicant chooses to submit an application for public records via electronic mail, the applicant assumes the risk that such transmittal may be compromised due to unanticipated technological errors, which may render the electronic mail transmittal undeliverable. (Note: Applications sent via e-mail or fax after 4:00 p.m. on a business day, on a weekend, or on a school system holiday will be considered received on the next business day.)

    Responses to Applications

    In most cases, the school system will respond to a request for public records within 10 business days after receiving the written application and advise the applicant when the records will be available. If your application is approved, the response records will be produced no later than 30 days after receiving the application, unless an exemption applies or the requester agrees to an extension beyond 30 days. In accordance with the MPIA, if the records sought are precluded from disclosure, notification will be sent within 10 business days.


    In accordance with the MPIA, the custodian of record may charge an applicant a reasonable fee for the search for, preparation of, and reproduction of a public record. No fee will be assessed for the first two hours of staff time that is needed to respond to a request for records. If more than two hours of staff time is needed to fulfill the request, the applicant will be notified of the estimated cost and must deposit 75 percent of the estimate before work begins. In all cases, fees must be paid in full before any documents are delivered or access to the documents is authorized.
    The fee schedule established by Garrett County Public Schools is as follows:
    Copies – The fee for each copy is 25 cents per page if the reproduction is made by a photocopying machine within the school system. If the records are not susceptible to photocopying, the fee for copies will be based on the actual cost of reproduction. Documents of 10 or fewer pages will be copied free of charge.
    Certification of Copies – If a person requests that a copy of a record be certified as a true copy, an additional fee of $1.00 per page or, if appropriate, per item shall be charged.
    Staff Time – If staff members expend more than two hours in the search for, preparation of, and compilation of the records, fees shall be prorated for each employee’s salary and actual time attributable to the search for and preparation of the records.
    Flash Drive – The applicant will be charged $8.00 for a USB flash drive.
    The fees listed above are not all-inclusive.