- Become successful lifelong learners
- Cultivate student potential
- Construct his/her own knowledge
- Garrett County Public Schools
- Gifted & Talented Program
GCPS will conduct a Virtual Learning Day on February 12, 2025. Schools will be closed for in-person learning.
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Mission Statement
Garrett County Public Schools Gifted and Talented Program extends our county’s mission by meeting the unique educational needs of identified students through the development of individual students’ emerging strengths in order to provide meaningful, life-long experiences.
Vision Statement
Garrett County Public Schools will ensure that gifted children grow socially, emotionally, and academically to become well-adjusted, contributing members of society by providing opportunities that allow students to:
Garrett County Public Schools believes that students are exceptional in many different ways. GCPS fosters the development of an inclusive, rather than exclusive, approach to gifted/talented education. Students who exhibit high-performance capability in intellectual, creative, and/or artistic areas, possess an unusual leadership capacity, or excel in specific academic fields may be identified for differentiated learning opportunities.
The program emphasizes a collaborative effort that includes classroom teachers and specialized personnel trained in gifted and talented education. The effort often directly involves administrators, parents, and community resource persons. All students are given the opportunity for enrichment experiences, and students showing unusual potential or distinctive areas of strength and interest have the opportunity for additional assistance to develop these areas of unusual capability.
GCPS Gifted and Talented Handbook
School Based Point of Contacts (POCs)
Gifted & Talented Teachers (Point of Contact) by School
- Accident Elementary - Ms. Aimee Stanislaw
- Broad Ford Elementary - Mr. Mitchell Hall
- Crellin Elementary - Mrs. Carrie Hordubay
- Friendsville Elementary - Mr. Jamie Friend
- Grantsville Elementary - Mrs. Shana Rhoten
- Route Forty Elementary - Mrs. Debra Nicklin
- Swan Meadow School - Mrs. Connie Uphold
- Yough Glades Elementary - Mrs. Jolene Custer
- Northern Middle School - Mrs. Ali Schilpp
- Northern Garrett High School - Ms. Samantha Roller
- Southern Middle/High School - Mr. John Coffman
Please contact your child's G/T Point of Contact for specific school-based information.
GT Criteria
Criteria used for admission into the GCPS GT Program
- Minimum of 90% average in all classes
- A minimum score of 90 on the GT NOMINATION FORM in the content area
- Advanced scores on state tests in the content area.
Elementary School:
- CogAT: Composite score of 8 or higher; local norm of 89 or higher (Grade 2)
-OR- one of the following:
- MCAP English/Language Arts: Level 4 Distinguished Learner
- Grade 3 Level 4 -Scaled Score 790+
- Grade 4 Level 4 -Scaled Score 779+
- Grade 5 Level 4 -Scaled Score 777+
- Lexile Scores (iReady) at the following grades:
- K - 650L, 1 - 820L, 2 - 940L
- 3 - 1010L, 4 -1070L, 5 - 1120L
- MCAP Mathematics: Level 4/Distinguished
- Grade 3 Level 4 -Scaled Score 790+
- Grade 4 Level 4 -Scaled Score 778+
- Grade 5 Level 4 -Scaled Score 781+
- Quantile Scores (i-Ready) at the following grades:
- K - 382Q, 1 - 545Q, 2 - 629Q
- 3 - 771Q, 4 - 890Q, 5 - 970Q
- MISA Science: Level 4 Exceeds Expectations
- Grade 5 Level 4 - Scaled Score 772+
- WIDA: Access for Multilingual Composite Score: Level 5.5+
- MCAP English/Language Arts: Level 4 Distinguished Learner
Middle School:
- CogAT: Composite score of 8 or higher; local norm of 89 (Grade 6)
-OR- one of the following:
- MCAP English/Language Arts: Level 4/Distinguished
- Grade 6 Level 4 -Scaled Score 777+
- Grade 7 Level 4 -Scaled Score 778+
- Grade 8 Level 4 -Scaled Score 788+
- Lexile Scores (iReady Diagnostic) at the following grades:
- 6 - 1185L, 7 - 1260L, 8 - 1335L
- MCAP Mathematics: Level 4/Distinguished
- Grade 6 Level 4 -Scaled Score 775+
- Grade 7 Level 4 -Scaled Score 776+
- Grade 8 Level 4 -Scaled Score 779+
- Quantile Scores (iReady Diagnostic) at the following grades:
- 6 - 1089Q, 7 - 1214Q, 8 - 1248Q
- MCAP Social Studies: Level 4 DIstinguished Learner
- Grade 8 Level 4 - Scaled Score 773+
- MISA Science: Level 4/Distinguished Learner
- Grade 8 Level 4 - Scaled Score 773+
- WIDA: Access for Multilingual Composite Score: Level 5.5+
- MCAP English/Language Arts: Level 4/Distinguished
Students are automatically eligible for Gifted and Talented services by meeting the CogAT or state testing limits listed below. Behavior and attendance data should only be considered to develop a more comprehensive program to meet the child's needs. Any nominations and other data points can be used to support the team's decision when considering potential areas of gifted skills and talents.
High School:
One of the following:
- Lexile Scores (Reading Inventory) of 1335L & above
Quantile Scores (Math Inventory) of
- 9 - 1459Q & above
- 10, 11, 12 - 1509Q & above
- High School Assessment Scores:
- ELA 10 Level 4 -Scaled Score 776+
- Algebra 1 - Level 4 -Scaled Score 775+
- Algebra 2 - Level 4 -Scaled Score 769+
- Geometry - Level 4 -Scaled Score 775+
- Science - Proficient
- Government - Level 4 - Scaled Score
- WIDA: Access for Multilingual Composite Score: Level 5.5+
- Resource available for GT students during RAMS (SX) / PAWS (NX)
- Services are provided at least once a week
- Mentors grouped by academic selection (they could rotate by grade level)
- Mentors can change throughout the year based on areas of interest
- Multiple content area nominees can rotate every quarter, month, or semester (determined by the individual student)
All students are screened using formal assessments and criteria for Gifted and Talented identification. Multiple assessments are considered, including the CogAT, MCAP, student grades, attendance, a discipline review, and a score on the nomination form, all of which are conducted in an unbiased manner. The teachers are trained in the administration and use of the assessment data. The team determining eligibility uses a predetermined process that is reviewed every three years in a peer review model applied by MSDE.
CogAT Requirement
Garrett County students will need to earn the following CogAT Score as a requirement for the GT Program:
- CogAT Composite Score of 8 or 9;
- Local CogAT norm score (example: 77)
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a multiple-choice test designed to measure a child’s academic aptitude as well as cognitive development and problem-solving skills. The test is made up of three sections, called batteries, which can be administered separately or together, depending on the school test coordinator. The batteries include:- Verbal Battery
- Quantitative Battery
- Nonverbal Battery
From the test results, teachers can gain insight into their students’ intellectual abilities. They can shape and modify instruction to match how students learn, use the results to form enrichment programs that pique students' interests and challenge their thinking, as well as find the gaps between student achievement and ability.Additional data points used in the GT criteria are our Maryland State Assessments:
- English/Language Arts MCAP Score: Level 5
- Mathematics MCAP Score: Level 5
Additional Resources
For additional information about any of the programs or enrichment opportunities, please see the links below: