- Garrett County Public Schools
- Request for Proposals
The purpose of DJ Fiscal Management Policy is to set guidelines for the procurement of all goods and/or services purchased by Garrett County Public Schools (GCPS). The purpose of supporting Procedure DJ is to set forth the purchasing standards for Garrett County Public Schools. The awarding of contracts for school building improvements, supplies, equipment, school materials, and services represents a significant expenditure for the school budget. These items must be procured efficiently, economically, and in compliance with all state and federal laws and in accordance with the Board Policy DJ.
Below you will find the current Request(s) for Proposals for Garrett County Public Schools. Click on the individual section to expand it and view the specific Request for Proposal.
RFP #2025-003 Building Automation Controls Service Contract
Notice is hereby given that the Garrett County Board of Education will receive Requests for Proposal (RFP) from experienced vendors that possess the necessary tools, equipment, labor, and materials to provide Building Automation Control service, troubleshooting, maintenance, repairs and remote monitoring.
The deadline for receipt is Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. EDT. All proposals shall be delivered to the address below:Garrett County Board of Education
Attn: Missi Nesselrodt
770 Dennett Rd
Oakland, MD 21550Any electronic submissions must be sent to rfp@garrettcountyschools.org.
Please submit an original and two (2) copies of your proposal in a sealed envelope to the contact person above. No oral proposals will be accepted. Electronically transmitted proposals will only be accepted with all complete information and only if it arrives before the noted time on the due date. Proposals not received by the specified time noted will not be considered.
Each proposal shall be completed according to the Instructions for Proposal Submissions. All considered proposals shall include the Cover Sheet and Vendor Questionnaire. These documents along with further details regarding service specifications, locations, and other requirements may be accessed within the Instruction for Proposal Submissions.
Questions may be submitted via email to rfp@garrettcountyschools.org. All questions submitted, along with corresponding answers, may be viewed at the above URL until the RFP submission deadline.
No proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date of the deadline. The Garrett County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive irregularities in the submission.
Invitation to Bid: Southern Garrett Middle School Pre-K to 6th Renovations
Whereas Howard Shockey and Sons, Inc. (hereinafter ‘HSS’ or ‘Shockey’) is under contract to act as the Construction Manager for the Southern Garrett Elementary School (SGES) project and;
Whereas approval to bid on this project has been received from the appropriate Maryland Department of General Services and other authorities;
Therefore, notice is given hereby that Howard Shockey & Sons, the Project Construction Manager, is soliciting and will accept trade subcontractor and vendor bids for the Southern Garrett Elementary School Pre-K to 6th Grade Additions, Renovations, & Modifications at Southern Middle School according to the contract documents, which include but are not limited to the Drawings and Specifications prepared by BFM Architects Inc. and their team of consultants, and the Howard Shockey and Sons subcontract agreement.
- Proposed Contract Documents may be examined at:
- GCPS Website: https://www.gcps.net
- Howard Shockey & Sons, 1057 Martinsburg Pike, Winchester, VA 22603
- Bona fide bidders may secure the contract documents electronically from the GCPS website on April 19, 2024.
- Qualified subcontractors can obtain an electronic version of the Contract Documents on GCPS’ website, including specifications and drawings and any addenda or subsequently issued data during bidding.
- Sealed bids from subcontractors and vendors will be received electronically by Howard Shockey & Sons, 5111 Pegasus Court Suite E, Frederick MD 21704, not later than 2:00 pm (DST) time on May 14, 2024. Details on bid procedures are contained in Specification Section 00 14 01 - Instructions To Bidders.
- Two Pre-bid meetings will be held at the project site, 605 Harvey Winters Drive, Oakland, Maryland:
- The First Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 24th, 2024, commencing at 3:45 pm and running through 5:00 pm. The primary focus of this meeting will be General Bidding Procedures, Site and Architectural Scopes of Work.
- The Second Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 25th, 2024, commencing at 3:45 pm and running through 5:00 pm. The primary focus of this meeting will be General Bidding Procedures, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Scopes of Work.
- Interested subcontractors and vendors are encouraged to attend either or both of these pre-bid meetings at their discretion. Attendance is not mandatory but very strongly encouraged. Note that verbal discussions during these meetings are not binding unless addressed in writing via an addendum.
- Proposed Contract Documents may be examined at:
RFP #2025-002 Southern Garrett High School Field House Sitework
Notice is hereby given that the Garrett County Board of Education will receive Requests for Proposal (RFP) from experienced vendors that possess the necessary tools, equipment, labor, and materials to prepare the site at Southern High School’s Stadium for a building pad.
The deadline for receipt is Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. EDT. All proposals shall be delivered to the address below:
Garrett County Board of Education
Attn: Missi Nesselrodt
770 Dennett Rd
Oakland, MD 21550Any electronic submissions must be sent to rfp@garrettcountyschools.org.
Please submit an original and two (2) copies of your proposal in a sealed envelope to the contact person above. No oral proposals will be accepted. Electronically transmitted proposals will only be accepted with all complete information and only if it arrives before the noted time on the due date. Proposals not received by the specified time noted will not be considered.
Each proposal shall be completed according to the Instructions for Proposal Submissions. All considered proposals shall include the Cover Sheet and Vendor Questionnaire. These documents along with further details regarding service specifications, locations, and other requirements may be accessed within the Instruction for Proposal Submissions, which can be viewed at https://www.gcps.net/finance.
Questions may be submitted via email to rfp@garrettcountyschools.org. All questions submitted, along with corresponding answers, may be viewed at the above URL until the RFP submission deadline.
No proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date of the deadline. The Garrett County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive irregularities in the submission.
RFP #2025-002 Southern HS Field House Sitework
RFP #2025-002 Southern HS Field House Full Spec
RFP #2025-002 Southern HS Field House Drawings
RFP #2025-002 Southern HS Field House Addendum #1
RFP #2025-002 Southern HS Field House Addendum #2
RFP #2025-002 Southern HS Field House Pre-bid Meeting Minutes 042324
RFP Bid Package #2025-001 Physical and Occupational Therapy
The Garrett County Board of Education will receive Requests for Proposal (RFP) from experienced vendors to provide Physical Therapy (PT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) services to students birth through twenty-one for the 2024-2025, 2025-2026, and 2026-2027 school years. See Exhibit A for a list of schools and approximate hours of OT and PT services per week.
Please submit an original and two (2) copies of your proposal in a sealed envelope, or an electronic submission, to the contact person shown below no later than 12:00 p.m. Noon (EDT) on Thursday, April 4, 2024.
No oral proposals will be accepted. Electronically transmitted proposals will only be accepted if the information is complete and timely, before 12:00 p.m. Noon (EDT) on Thursday, April 4, 2024. All proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.
All proposals submitted shall become the property of the Garrett County Board of Education.
All responses to the Request for Proposal shall be submitted to:
Garrett County Board of Education
Attn: Chelsie Manges
770 Dennett Road
Oakland, MD 21550Electronic submissions shall be submitted to rfp@garrettcountyschools.org. All questions should also be sent to rfp@garrettcountyschools.org.
Instructions for Proposal - RFP #2025-001
FAQ - RFP #2025-001 (updated 4/4/24)
RFP Bid Package #: 2024-006 Preliminary Engineering & Environmental Reports Northern Educational Complex Wastewater Treatment Plant
Notice is hereby given that the Garrett County Board of Education will receive Requests for Proposal (RFP) from experienced vendors for Preliminary Engineering & Environmental Reports - Northern Educational Complex Wastewater Treatment Plant
The deadline for receipt is Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. EST. All proposals shall be delivered to the address below:
Garrett County Board of Education
Attn: Missi Nesselrodt
770 Dennett Rd
Oakland, MD 21550Any electronic submissions must be sent to rfp@garrettcountyschools.org.
Please submit an original and two (2) copies of your proposal in a sealed envelope to the contact person above. No oral proposals will be accepted. Electronically transmitted proposals will only be accepted with all complete information and only if it arrives before the noted time on the due date. Proposals not received by the specified time noted will not be considered.
Each proposal shall be completed according to the Instructions for Proposal Submissions. All considered proposals shall include the Cover Sheet and Vendor Questionnaire. These documents along with further details regarding service specifications, locations, and other requirements may be accessed within the Instruction for Proposal Submissions, which can be viewed at https://www.gcps.net/finance.
Questions may be submitted via email to rfp@garrettcountyschools.org. All questions submitted, along with corresponding answers, may be viewed at the above URL until the RFP submission deadline.
No proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date of the deadline. The Garrett County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive irregularities in the submission.
Bid Package RFP #2024-006 Northern Educational Complex Wastewater Treatment Plant
RFP 2023-012 Licensed Childcare at Route 40 Elementary School
RFP Bid Package #: 2023-012
Notice is hereby given that the Garrett County Board of Education will receive Requests for Proposal (RFP) from qualified firms or individuals for a Childcare Provider Route Forty Elementary in Finzel, Maryland.
The deadline for receipt is July 20, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. (EST). All proposals shall be delivered to the address below:
Garrett County Board of Education
Attn: Mrs. Dawna Ashby
40 South Second Street
Oakland, MD 21550A proposal, including supporting documentation, must be in a marked in a sealed container (i.e., envelope, box, package, etc.). Any proposal containing more than one (1) container must reflect the total number of sealed containers (e.g., 1 of 2 containers). No oral proposals will be accepted. Proposals not received by the specified time noted will not be considered.
Each proposal shall be completed according to the Instructions for Proposal Submissions. All considered proposals shall include the Cover Sheet, Acknowledgement of Receipt, Vendor Questionnaire, & Government Debarment Procedure. These documents, along with further details regarding specific services and other requirements may be accessed within the Instruction for Proposal Submissions, which can be viewed at https://www.garrettcountyschools.org/finance/request-for-proposals.
Questions may be submitted via email to dawna.ashby@garrettcountyschools.org. All questions submitted, along with corresponding answers, may be viewed at the above URL until the RFP submission deadline.
The Garrett County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive irregularities in the submission.