- Garrett County Public Schools
- FY2025 Budget Development
FY2025 Budget Development
Welcome to the FY2025 Budget Development page of the Garrett County Public Schools website.
Garrett County Public Schools is committed to transparency and accountability in its budget development process. This page is designed to provide stakeholders with ongoing information as the GCPS’ budget is developed. We have gathered many useful resources and information to explain how the budget is developed. The Board of Education and Superintendent welcome community input throughout the budget development process.
Board Approval 6.11.24
FY25 Superintendent's Approved Annual Budget
Board Presentation 5.15.24
Superintendent's Proposed FY2025 Operating Budget - Presentation
Memo to the Board
Proposed FY2025 Operating BudgetPresentation to the Garrett County Commissioners 4.16.24
The following presentation was shared with the Board of Commissioners of Garrett County during the April 16, 2024, meeting. It encompasses key elements of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future and the Superintendent's requested budget for FY205, serving as a crucial update on our budget development progress.
Presentation to the Board of Commissioners Garrett County - Slideshow
Budget Presentation 3.12.24
Memo to the Board Regarding Budget Activity
Estimated Revenue for DRAFT FY25 Budget
DRAFT Expense Analysis by Activity
DRAFT FY25 Budget Activity SheetsBudget Work Session 2.28.24
Superintendent's Budget Priorities Presentation - Slideshow
Superintendent's Budget Priorities - VideoBoard presentation 2.13.24
DRAFT State Aid Revenue Presentation - Slideshow
State Aid Revenue Presentation - VideoBoard presentation 10.10.23
Budget Kick-Off - Enrollment & Revenue Estimates Presentation - Slideshow
Budget Kick-Off - Enrollment & Revenue Estimates Session - VideoMaryland Public Schools Report (Garrett County)
School Improvement Plans
Accident Elementary
Broad Ford Elementary
Crellin Elementary
Friendsville Elementary
Grantsville Elementary
Route Forty Elementary
Swan Meadow School
Yough Glades Elementary
Northern Garrett Middle
Southern Garrett Middle
Northern Garrett High
Southern Garrett HighEmployee Negotiated Agreements
Comprehensive Maintenance Plan
Educational Facilities Master Plan
GCPS Recovery and Reopening Plan
GCPS 5-Year Strategic Facilities Plan FY2022-2027