• GCPS will conduct a Virtual Learning Day on February 12, 2025. Schools will be closed for in-person learning.
    If you need technical assistance from the IT department, please contact the helpdesk at 1.888.285.7254 or helpdesk@gcps.net.

Math Practices in Action

  • Math Resources


    From Savvas Learning (formerly Pearson)

    enVisionmath2.0 is a comprehensive mathematics curriculum for Grades K-5. It offers the flexibility of print, digital, or blended instruction. enVisionmath2.0 provides the focus, coherence, and rigor needed to meet your standards. Project-based learning, visual learning strategies, and extensive customization options empower every teacher and student.
    The enVisionmath platform is accessible through GCPS Schoology accounts using the Clever application. Students understand how to access this resource using their GCPS-issued device. A student worktext is also distributed to each student.

    Maryland’s College and Career-Ready Standards for Teaching and Learning Mathematics

    Maryland flag graphic
    Mathematical frameworks for each grade level are provided on the MSDE website. Common Core State Standards and the Essential Skills and Knowledge added by Maryland educators are included in the grade-level materials. Units of Study aligned to the frameworks are also provided, which include example materials and lesson plans aligned with the CCSS.

    Graham Fletcher Mathematical Progression Videos

    The video series explains how mathematical ideas develop across a number of grade levels. A highly visual and engaging resource that demonstrates the mathematical skills acquired at each grade level. Demonstrations of those skills help teachers, parents, and students connect daily learning to the overall mathematical journey.

    Khan Academy

    Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning. Parents and students are encouraged to create accounts to access the instructional videos, practice problems, and individualized student pathways. Parents create accounts in order to work with and track student progress over time. Trusted resources are utilized by teachers, students, and parents across the globe.

    What Works Clearing House - Parent Guide

    1. Help children get started and reflect on word problems
    2. Help children use visual representations
    3. Encourage using multiple problem-solving approaches
    The Google Slide below contains a collection of resources that are open and available to students, parents, and teachers.

    The Math Learning Center - Apps available on ALL GCPS student devices

    These apps are based on the visual models featured in Bridges in Mathematics. All apps are available in two or more versions: a web app for all modern browsers and downloadable versions for specific operating systems and devices (such as Apple iOS for iPad).
    GCPS Chromebooks have been loaded with these apps for additional practice. The apps are also available via the Math Learning Center.