• GCPS will operate normally on Monday, January 13, 2025, and will not use a virtual learning day.

Work Ethic Diploma

  • What is the Work Ethic Program?

    The concept for a regional Garrett County Work Ethic initiative was brought to the Garrett County Chamber of Commerce by employers that felt students were not completing high school with the soft skills needed to be successful employees. With the input of area educators, business leaders, and post-secondary representatives, standards were developed to measure work ethics in students. The Work Ethic Program is designed to:
    • Supply Garrett County employers with skilled workers
    • Produce an emerging workforce prepared to face the challenges of a global marketplace
    • Be a filter for hiring and selecting candidates that have demonstrated knowledge, skills, abilities, and commitment to work
    • Reinforce the value of positive work ethics and commitment to successful employment
    • Recognize a common, identifiable metric for work habits
    • Develop and improve the soft skills of Garrett County students
    • Business Benefits and Obligations


    As an endorser of our Work Ethic program, we ask you to participate by following the guidelines below:
    • Participating business/organizations will be recognized through various marketing tools, i.e., on the Garrett County Chamber’s website, at graduation ceremonies, through news releases and articles in circulated publications, etc.
    • Businesses/organizations will have the opportunity to provide information on current job trends, hiring processes, general benefits, and provide a point of contact for interested students
    • Businesses/organizations will also have the opportunity to provide data/feedback on potential employees with Work Ethic Diplomas


    •  Agree that if a student has a Work Ethic Diploma, or is participating in the program, and listed in their resume or application, they are guaranteed an interview as long as they meet job-related qualifications for open positions
    • Agree that if a student with a Work Ethic Diploma is hired, they will receive at least a $.50/hour higher starting wage than an employee with the same skill set who has not earned a Work Ethic Diploma
    • Businesses/organizations are encouraged to display Work Ethic employer window clings in their business locations. Post-Secondary Institutions are also informed of the requirements to achieve a Work Ethic
    • Diploma, so it will be strongly encouraged that a diploma recipient provides this information in their application process to whichever school they are applying
    • Post-Secondary Institutions are also informed of the requirements to achieve a Work Ethic Diploma, so it will be strongly encouraged that a diploma recipient provides this information in their application process to whichever school they are applying

    Program Organizers’ Responsibilities

    The Garrett County Chamber will:

    • Work with school personnel to arrange student exit interviews
    • Provide the actual Work Ethic Diplomas to be provided to the students at the awards assemblies
    • Secure business participation in the program and commitment to students receiving a Work Ethic Diploma
    • Promote the program on local media, social media, on the Chamber website, and through Chamber communications
    • Recognize businesses participating in the program, including press releases, social media, and websites
    • Recognize students participating in the program and those that have received their Work Ethic Diploma, including press releases, social media, and websites
    • Host a reception just prior to graduation for the students receiving their Work Ethic Diploma, participating businesses, elected officials, Board of Education, school personnel, and volunteers
    • Students wear cords at graduation with an asterisk in the graduation program
    • The Chamber will provide a banner promoting participating businesses & sponsors to be used at graduation ceremonies
    • Secure sponsors to cover the costs of the diplomas and reception
    • Meet with businesses and GCPS twice per year to modify the program as needed to benefit students, businesses, and the community

    Garrett County Public Schools will:

    • Assign school personnel to oversee the Work Ethic Diploma program for the schools and students
    • Promote the program to students and parents to encourage participation
    • Track and record required points for students
    • Track student participation in the Work Ethic Diploma program
    • Provide student participation reports to the Garrett County Chamber
    • Coordinate exit interviews for seniors with participating businesses
    • Provide a year-end report of students earning a Work Ethics Diploma to the Chamber prior to graduation
    • Present Work Ethic Diploma to students at the annual student awards assemblies
    • Provide cords for qualifying students with Work Ethic Diplomas at graduation ceremonies
    • Work with the Chamber to modify the program as needed to benefit students, businesses, and the community

    Work Ethic Diploma Criteria for Qualification - Class of 2019

    ** To receive the Work Ethic Diploma, the student must earn a minimum of (13) points.

    Discipline Standard

    (1 pt.) - No more than three discipline referrals throughout their high school career.
    (2 pts.)- No more than one discipline referral throughout their high school career.
    (3 pts.)- No discipline referrals throughout their high school career.

    Attendance Standard

    (1pt.) – Students have maintained an attendance rate of 96% throughout their high school career.
    (2 pts.) – Students have maintained an attendance rate of 98% throughout their high school careers.

    Absence Standard

    Minimum (1pt.) - A student has no more than one unexcused absence throughout their high school career.
    Maximum (2 pts.) - Student has no unexcused absences throughout their high school career.

    Work Experience

    Minimum (1pt.) - Student has completed 20 hours of internship, job shadow, or work experience (based on formal evaluation from employer).
    Maximum (2 pts.) - Student has completed 40 hours of internship, job shadow, or work experience (based on formal evaluation from employer).

    Community Service/Internship Project Standard Minimum

    (1pt.)- A student has completed 125 hours of community service. Maximum
    (2 pts.)- A student has completed 175 hours of community service.

    Overall Grade Point Average Standard

    (2 pts.) A student has an overall grade point average equivalent to a B
    (3 pts.) A student has an overall grade point average equivalent to an A

    Team Work Standard

    (1pt.) Students are involved in a school team, club, or group.
    (2 pts.) Students that are involved in multiple school teams, clubs, or groups, or hold a leadership position in the team, club, or group.


    (5 pts.) Through voluntary testing, students provide written proof of being drug-free at the end of senior year.

    Exit Interview (Seniors Only) - Required

    Students participate in exit interviews conducted by members of the business community.